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What Are The Essentials Of Pre Press Phase?

Pre press is a phase which builds up the foundation of good printing work. Hence, it is a very crucial phase which is needed to be taken on serious notes; else you may miss the perfection that leads to the customers’ satisfaction. Pre press determines how well can be the printing work that involves everything starting from color combination, to texts, to the graphics and to everything in between. This phase has to be completed meticulously so that end result could be desirable.

Before the material is sent for final printing, it is necessary that every aspect is checked minutely. The most important is the texts to be imprinted on the package. The text can be the name of the brand, composition (if it is a food product), manufacturing and expiry date, or any details related to the products. Therefore, that has to be proofread for spelling and typing errors. Similarly, if there is any image or graphic on the carton you need to check for the format.

Color schemes actually represent the quality of the printing and that may go wrong if it is not divided into color press that is if it is two or four. The alignment of fonts is also need to be checked so that when final layout comes out it matched the requirements. Finally, the last but not the least is the checking of general layout guidelines. It involves margins and paper size of the final printed product. When a project examined and goes through all these stages, it produces a fine outcome.

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